He said although they found small pockets of fluid, after the transplant team looked at my CT Scan results, they weren't convinced any of the fluid was infected. So, we still don't know what is causing the rise in my white blood cell count.
Dr. Fujita explained they can do 1 of 2 things: 1.) Do nothing and see if the antibiotics work, or 2.) Open me back up and take a look inside.
I strongly urged option #1, which they decided to try.
When the surgical team came in about an hour later, they pulled up my CT Scan results on the computer in my room. I had the chance to see all of my inner organs in black and white. WOW! It was pretty cool. One of the docs joked with me and said, "This is very introspective." To which I laughed and said, "Yes, VERY!"
The decision was to keep me in the hospital one or two more days, draw my blood again that night and see if the antibiotic was working. It sounded great to me, but after they drew my blood last night, my white blood cell count was significantly higher than it had been.
It was disappointing, but I believe the surgeons had something in mind in case this happened. My night nurse phoned the on call transplant doc, who happened to be the one joking with me earlier about "introspection," and he suggested giving me a heavy-duty antibiotic to see if a stronger dose of meds would do the trick.
They did!
I was just informed that my white blood count took a good-sized nosedive. It's still a little higher than it was yesterday morning, but it's down from the high number of the blood draw last night. This is a very good sign. So in a few hours, the surgical team will come in again and let me know the plan. I have no idea if they are going to open me back up, or monitor me again with this heavy duty antibiotic. Who knows? All I know is everyone keeps commenting on how great all of my other numbers are and how good I look and sound despite this annoying white blood cell count.
I have patience. Of course, I am more than eager to go home, but I want to go home in good shape. So I can wait. I know I am in good hands because everybody here at the IMC Hospital is fantastic!
We just have to wait and see what's going on with those pesky white blood cells.
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